Positive mental health

It is important that during these stressful time, we understand positive mental health. Try and inculcate it.

Positive mental health’ is not limited to mind. Though, invariably it is related to mind. Mind in itself is not limited by any structure. Any, act or activity which keeps the mind occupied, infuses positivity and well being, and has ability to distract from the stress or negative thoughts is ’positive mental health’.

Nurturing new habits, making optimal social contacts, healthy coping strategies, working on our resilience, practising mindfulness, striving without judgements or extreme self criticism towards balanced lifestyle is also ’positive mental health’.

Managing ’emotions’ effectively, without trying to suppress or ignore them is ’positive mental health’.

If it is a long walk which gives space and time to connect with oneself and disconnect from the world for a while, then that is ’positive mental health’. If it is baking or cooking that gives person the peace of mind they crave, than that activity is ’positive mental health’. It could be singing, knitting, dancing, exercising, painting, colouring, sketching, gardening, spending time in nature, spending time with the less fortunate, or just lying down on a couch for mindful reflection.

Any activity that calms down the restless mind, is ’positive mental health’.

Choose your ’act’ or ’strategy’ to stay ’positive’ and achieve ’positive mental health’.

#covid #stress #positivementalhealth #mentalhealth #resilience #coping #mentalwellness


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